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q & a

Updated: Jul 17, 2018

Hey y'all!

I received quite a few questions on my Insta-story recently, so I thought I would make a blog post to answer them!

Undeniable Favors Questions

Favorite type of paint for signs? I use acrylic paints on my signs.

What kind of wood do you use for signs? My grandpa is a sweetheart and cut me some wood at his farm. I stain it myself, put some pretty words on it, and BOOM it's a sign!

What's your favorite Bible verse? SO MANY. But my go-to is Matthew 5:16.

What's your love language? Quality Time. What can I say, I like to have people's undivided attention!

Favorite day of the week and why? SUNDAY. I seriously LOVE Sundays. Going to church and spending time with family is just so so good!

What Bible do you journal in? THIS ONE

What's your favorite part about owning an Etsy shop? Getting to create art that shares the good news of Christ. I love that my Instagram and Etsy are focused on sharing God's love. Being able to write out a verse for someone makes my heart so happy.

Where'd you learn to write so pretty? Practice, practice, practice. I've always had pretty good handwriting (thank you to my grade school teachers!) but I write A LOT & practice makes such a difference.

What are your favorite pens for calligraphy? Nothing fancy... I like sharpies, crayola markers, even a basic black pen. My current favorite pen is a dollar store find. (proof you don't need to spend a lot of money on tools!)

What's your favorite and least favorite part of making signs? I LOVE writing the words on them, but really don't like staining the wood.

Fitness Questions

What's your next fitness goal? I don't really know yet. I'd like to run some fall races, but I don't have any big goals yet. (No more marathons any time soon...)

Will you ever do a triathlon? I sure hope so! I love running and biking, but I'm not that big into swimming. That will have to change before I do a tri.

What's your goal marathon? Ya silly...? BOSTON of course! Someday you'll see me there.

Favorite race you've run? Santa Hustle Half Marathon in Cedar Point. Running through an amusement park was the coolest thing ever. Felt like a little kid again!

Favorite summer activity? Anything on the water. Last summer Drew taught me how to wake board & that has become an absolute favorite! I also love tubing & skiing!

Life Questions

What's your ideal date? Any time spent with Drew! I love when he takes the time to plan a day date for us. They're literally the most fun dates ever!

Cats or dogs? DOGS.

Do you own cowboy boots? Nope. And I don't own a cowboy hat either. I have a feeling Drew will be changing this very soon.

Country music or country music? All things country all the time! I like the old school stuff, with a banjo and a lil' twang.

What are you going to school for? Nursing!

What's your make-up routine? Most days I don't wear makeup. If I do it's just mascara.

Favorite essential oils? All time favorites are lavender and lemongrass.

How many siblings do you have? Three. An older bro, a twin bro and a baby sis.

Food Questions

Favorite food? Grapes! But I also love all sorts of fruit, chips & salsa, pancakes & eggs, chicken, apples & ice cream.

Bacon or Cheese? Nice joke. Neither.

Favorite froyo place? The Pumphouse!

What's your ice cream order? A waffle cone with vanilla ice cream but flip it upside down in a cup so I can use a spoon.

Breakfast of champs? Pancakes & Eggs & Coffee (every. single. day.)

What's your coffee order? Biggby - iced coffee with cream; Starbs - vanilla latte with almond milk; Panera - plain black light roast

Peanut Butter or Nutella? PB all the way.

Will you cook for me? YESSSSS. Hospitality is my jam!

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